Matthew 28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"

Monday, December 26, 2016

Week 69 -Huaraz

This past week was an awesome week. I feel very blessed that I was able to celebrate Christmas here in Huaraz again with the great members here. Its a great time of year. One of the coolest things we got to see all week happened Saturday night. We were visiting a family here and they gave us hot chocolate and paneton. They had told us that they weren'

t going to be with their family members that live in Lima this Christmas because the bus tickets were expensive. They had great attitudes, however, and were excited for Christmas. When we were visiting with them all of the sudden someone knocked on the door. The daughter went to open the door, and the rest of their family flooded in the door. It was awesome to see a family get together for Christmas. 
This past week we have gotten to visit Hermana Estela, her daughter, and her sister a little bit. They are progressing really well. We have been talking a lot with Hermana Estela about baptism and her desires to be baptized are growing. She is always so grateful that she has gotten to learn a few of the principles of the Gospel. She and her daughter actually came to church yesterday as well. They are starting to gain and nurture strong testimonies. It is great to see. 
This week we visited a less active sister with her family, and it was nice getting to know them and talk with them. We are really excited to get to work with them because they expressed desires to go back to church. The Lord is always preparing people for us to teach and help.
Christmas was great. Our pensionista made us a delicious dinner getting to skype our families was great as well. With the sacrament meeting in the morning we started of the day on the right foot. I especially liked the scriptures from first Nephi about the vision of Lehi that our first councilor shared in his talk. It is so interesting how the people in the Americas looked forward to the birth and coming of Christ. I am grateful for his life and for his example. I know that the principles that he taught help us to find happiness, success, and peace. I know that Christ lives.
Christmas Dinner at Pensionita's 

A picture of Elder Miller and his companion skyping his companions family on Christmas Day

Christmas Dinner 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Week 68 - Huaraz

Merry Christmas! I can hardly believe that this week is Christmas! It is a great time of year. This week was a great week. It started off a little slow, but ended on an awesome note.
Hermana Estela is still progressing, and we got to know her sister this week as well. Her sister had a few doubts about the church and had been going to another church for a while. This week when we finally got to know her and visit her she opened up a little bit and asked us a few questions that we were able to answer. In the end of the lesson, she asked us if she could take a Book of Mormon to read. We were happy to leave her with a Book of Mormon. One thing I have learned while on my mission is that people can always find answers to their questions, and many of these answers are found as they read the Book of Mormon and pray. This Sunday Hermana Estela went to church with her mom and her sister. I am very grateful that the Lord has answered our prayers.
This week we also got to know a few new families. Almost all week we couldn't find many new people to teach. We have learned to be patient, however, even though its a challenge at times for me, and we got to know a few new families this last Sunday. One of them has listened to the missionaries before. The dad is actually a member, and he really wants his wife and kids to go to church with him. In the end of our lesson with them they were excited to read the Book of Mormon. I'm excited for the opportunity to help this family.
This last weekend President Rios came with his family and we had our little Christmas celebration with them. It was a great time. President wanted our Christmas celebration this year to be more of a spiritual experience and it was awesome. We watched the church´s videos about Christmas from the past years, and talked about them a little bit. Then they had a little surprise for us. We got to see the videos that our families sent us to wish us Merry Christmas. It was so awesome! I am very grateful for President and Sister Rios.
I'm grateful for the chance to remember the Savior a little bit more this time of year and I'm especially grateful for the opportunity I have to learn of him and to strive to be one of his disciples. I know that thanks to him we all get to have second chances in life and we will live after this life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Week 67 - Huaraz

This last week was a very great and busy week. My companion left on Tuesday morning and I worked all day Tuesday with a missionary, that is serving in a little town outside of Huaraz called Carhuaz, who was waiting for his new companion as well. We had a great day and were able to find a few people to teach. Our new companions got here Wednesday in the morning. My new companion, Elder Torres, Is awesome. He is a hard worker and has a great attitude. He is from Chiclayo, Peru. Ive included a photo with him
We visited a few people Wednesday, then Wednesday night we traveled to Trujillo to a training with president Rios and the assistants. It was a great training. My favorite part was analyzing 3 Nephi 11 with President Rios. It really shows just how important baptism is in the Gospel. As I have studied the Gospel a little bit more this past week I have realized how much it blesses our lives. I also realized that at times we take for granted some of the greatest blessings the gospel has to offer.
This week we got to work with the Santiago Family a little bit. They are farmers and are willing to learn about the gospel. One of the difficulties that we have is that they understand the native language ketchua better that Spanish. We have been patient with them, however and little by little they are understanding.
Hermana Estela is still progressing. She is developing a firm testimony and she has helped my testimony to grow so much. She has a lot of opposition, but she keeps pressing forward. We talked to her a little bit about the scripture in Ether 4 this weeks that explains how we don't gain a testimony until after the trial of our faith. This Sunday i was worried when she didn't show up to church, but she finally did get there with her mom. I was pretty happy!
The highlight of my week was finally getting to visit our convert´s aunt. She has been less active for about 30 years, and wasn't really too excited that we wanted to visit her. We finally got to visit with her, however, and she was really sincere with us. We are excited to help her to receive the blessings of the gospel.
I know this is the work of the Lord. I know that the Holy Ghost is a real gift that brings many blessings into our lives.

with Elder Pacherres this last Thursday in Trujillo

My new companion, Elder Torres, Is awesome. He is a hard worker and has a great attitude. He is from Chiclayo, Peru. I've included a photo with him.  

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week 66 - Huaraz

Wow one more great week in the work of the Lord has come and gone. One more transfer in the mission has also come and gone. This week was very busy. My companion and I have still been working with Hermana Estela and she is really progressing. She came to church again this last Sunday with her mom. Her faith has been growing as she has prayed and come to church, and we talked to her a little bit more about baptism this week. We read 2 Nephi 31 with her and invited her to be baptized....and she accepted the invitation. Yeahhhh!!! She has been testifying to us in the lessons and has come a long way. I'm very excited to help her progress in the weeks that come. I am very grateful for the Book of Mormon and for the way it teaches the doctrine of Christ.
We also had a pretty awesome experience yesterday. We had a goal to find a new family yesterday. Our plans didn't go as well as we had hoped, but we decided that we had to find a family. We kept moving along, and then met a family in the street. We got to teach them a little bit. It turns out that they had actually listened to missionaries before and were very grateful for our visit. The Lord really prepares people and families for us to teach each and every week.
We got transfers yesterday and my companion is going to Casma tomorrow, so I will have a new companion. I am very grateful for the time that I have had with my companion and for the things that we have learned together. He is a super powerful missionary and always has a good attitude. He is a very firm teacher and I have learned a lot from his example as a teacher.
I will be staying here in Huaraz for at least one more transfer. That means that I will be here for Christmas and for my birthday! I'm pretty excited about that.
I am very grateful for the mission and for the opportunity that I have to learn and to grow each and every day. I am very grateful for our Lord and Savior and for his example and atonement. I know that he lives.

lunch today. Arroz con mariscos. Rice with seafood. it was pretty delicious

Monday, November 28, 2016

Week 65 - Huaraz

One more week in the work has come and gone. It was a great week! We started the week of great last Monday and I learned a lot this week. This last Monday we went out to visit with our ward mission leader Hermano Jhon who is pretty awesome. He always has a super good attitude. We got to visit a family and talk to them a little bit about eternal families. The dads brother passed away about a month ago. It has been pretty tough on him, but I'm sure our message can give them hope and help them understand the opportunity that they have to have an eternal family. I really do love teaching and helping families. I think Ive said it a billion times, but I'm certain that the gospel blessed families and I know it will bless the families here.
This week we got to know a few members a little bit better as well, and they helped us a ton. It is so awesome to see the members get excited about sharing the gospel. One member introduced us to a bunch of her friends, so we are super excited to get to know them a little bit more and to teach them.
We have also been working with a sister named Estela. She has been progressing a ton and this week we got to see a little miracle with her. She has had a little bit of opposition from her family and from her neighbors as she has investigated the church. Her mom stopped talking to her for about a week, so Hermana Estela prayed so that her mom would talk to her. Her mom came and helped her cook in her little cafe this week. Probably the most amazing part, however, was when Hermana Estela walked into church this Sunday with her mom by her side. I was so excited for her. It was awesome to see that the Lord has helped her and answered her prayers.
One other highlight from this week was seeing one of our converts, Hermana Yaquelin, get a calling in the primary. wahoooooo!
This past week was a great week. Im excited for one more week in the work. I'm also excited for the Christmas season. We got to see the new video this week. Its pretty awesome. I'm very grateful to be a missionary. I'm learning a ton. I have really felt this week the importance of becoming more like the Savior. I'm grateful for his example.
Here I have included a photo of our leaders meeting we had last week. for more photos you can visit the mission blog.

 photo of our leaders meeting we had last week

Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 64 - Huaraz

This past week was awesome. I learned a ton and we also had some success in our area. Last Monday we had a family home evening with a family that we met with the help of one of the members in the ward. We all got together in their living room of their house and we filled it up. There were even people sitting on the stairs. We talked about the restoration and the Book of Mormon a little bit. The kids in the family were super excited, and they actually surprised us with what they already knew. We had left a folleto with them and they studied it and were ready.
Last Tuesday night we went to Trujillo for a leaders meeting and it was so awesome. President Rios shared a talk with us from Neil L. Anderson about having the faith to find and baptize converts. We got to study it together and I learned a ton. I learned that if I do all of the little things the best I can and If I serve with the faith and hope that the Lord is preparing people in my area to receive and live his gospel I will be a successful missionary. He always reminds us that we have real power and that we have to remember it and believe it. After we got to go out to eat for lunch with President and Sister Rios with the other leaders. Then President Rios let my companion and I go to the Distribution Center by the temple to buy some big scriptures for a few people in our area that we have been working with that cant read little letters. It was an awesome day.
The next day we got back to Huaraz and President came here with the assistants to train and to interview the zone. It was really awesome to have them here for a few days. President Rios taught us a little bit about how we can better teach repentance. He explained to us that repentance is not just changing and become better. He taught us that it needs to be centered on Christ and the atonement.
One day this week my companion and I hadn't had many lessons all day, but we kept looking and we knew that we were going to find something. In the night we found two families to teach. I know that the Lord tests our patience at times, but he always blesses us if we press forward with faith.
I am very grateful to be a missionary. I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives.

Selfie with Comp on the Bus

Elder Miller in front of Trujillo Temple

Missionaries in his ward and the assistants.

A picture with my companion, the other misionaries in our ward and the assistants. The assistants are Elder Henao and Elder Benitez. Elder Henao and I were buds in the CCM and we throwed the football around a little bit. Elder Benitez is from Argentina he is a good missionary.  

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week 63 - Huaraz

Every week just seems to go by faster here in the mission. This past week was a busy and a great one.
Last Monday we had a family home evening with the Rodriguez family(the family that let me use their computer last Christmas to do Skype) and we talked about eternal families. It was great and I realized how much this knowledge changes our perspective and the choices that we make in life.
This week we invited one of the families that we are visiting to read the Book of Mormon. It was an awesome lesson. In the end the son told us that he didn't want to read the book, so my companion and I decided to be persistent and not leave it at that. We testified and talked to him a little bit more, and in the end he said that he would read. My companion is a great teacher of the gospel, and in the time that we have had working together I have learned a lot more about how to teach with power and authority.
We also got to read the Book of Mormon a little bit with one of our investigators that has been progressing quite a bit. There has been a lot of opposition in her path from her family and her neighbors, but she is enduring with faith. She is a great example. She has her own little cafe in her house, and for a couple of weeks now she has closed her cafe on Sunday. I know that the Lord is preparing his children and as long as we work hard and pray specifically for these people the Lord will help them to keep progressing.
One of the highlights of my week was seeing Hermana Agripina and her daughters bring a family member to church and to a family home evening. Seeing people become converted to the Gospel of Christ is one of the greatest things that I have seen on my mission. I am so grateful that they are still progressing and that they have the desire to share the Gospel.
I know that faith is powerful and that having faith in Christ changes our lives. I am grateful to be a missionary.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Week 62 - Huaraz

This week we had a great week in the work! We tried to work a little bit more with the members this week and were greatly blessed by doing so. 
Last tuesday one of the members that was going to help us got sick in the morning and didnt think that we would have time to go help her and give her a blessing. When we stopped talking to her on the phone we went to her house and helped her out. We were able to help give her comfort as well. She had been going through a few trials in her family. The Lord always puts us where his children really are in need. By the night time she was feeling better and helped us teach a new family that we met. 
This week one Hermana named Hermana Julia helped us a ton as well. She is a pretty funny lady. She talks to everyone in the street, and always invites them to listen to us. Im convinced that she knows about half of the popultation of Huaraz. We have been visiting one of her cousins and this past week we went to visit her cousin with her and she helped us a ton. Her cousin hasnt been able to come to church very regularly lately because she has been working, but Hermana Julia testified to her of the blessing that she would recieve if she could keep the sabath day holy, and by the end of the lesson she was excited to go to church. Yesterday she got to church about 20 minutes early, and she has been reading the Book of Mormon as well.
This past saturday we got to have a family home evening with Hermana Agripina and her family. They invited their neighbors over, who are Jehovas Witness, and we had a good little lesson about having faith and acepting the will of God. We ate cake and ice cream in the end. It was a good Family Home Evening.
This week I also had the privilege to work in my first area for a day. We had a companion exchange with the elders in Caraz. When I got there I remembered for a second how I felt a year ago when I first got there. I wasnt sure if I was going to be able to make it. The Lord really humbled me a lot and I learned to rely on him. I know that he lives and that he listens. Thanks to him I have been able to make it to where I am right now. I am so grateful for the mission. I am also very grateful for our Heavenly Fathers perfect plan and the opportunity we have to always progress and learn. I know this is the work of the Lord. 
lunch today with our new pensionista Hermana Gabi.(we dont normally eat in our sports clothes, but we had plans to go play basketball after today) She is an awesome pensionista! the photo isnt great, but its good enough ;)

Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 61 - Huaraz

This week was  an awesome week here in Huaraz. Hermana Yaquelin and Hermana Roxana are still reading the Book of Mormon together every night and they got baptized this Saturday. It has been so awesome to see them progress these past few weeks with their mom, Hermana Agripina. Their mom has been less active for more than 25 years, and she has come back to the Church with her daughters. They seem very happy and content. They have been prepared, and the Lord put us where we needed to be so that we could help them. They have had lots of very good questions, and have worked hard to gain their testimonies. It seems like when we don't have the gospel in our lives we have a hole, or it feels like somethings missing. They realized that they needed something more, and it has been so awesome to hear from their family members and from them how the gospel has helped them to be more relaxed and happy. The work of the Lord is pretty great. This week in our ward we had four baptisms. I have included a photo.
This week my companion and I also got to work with a few other families. We found a few new families to teach, and we are excited to see them progress. In one situation we knocked on the door of a house that we have never visited before and talked with a lady at the door and agreed to come back the next day. When we came back the next day she told us that she felt like we could help her, and was happy to let us talk to her and let us say a prayer in her house. I am very grateful for the promise of the Lord that we can have his Spirit with us, and that he helps people to feel that the message we bring really can help them. I know that the gospel blesses families. I know that Heavenly Father has a perfect plan for us. I am very grateful for his plan and for the many blessings and opportunities that he has given me.
the elders in our ward after the baptisms

a picture after their confirmation this Sunday

a picture before the baptisms. Hermana Agripina is in the middle and Hermana Roxana and Hermana Yaquelin are beside her in white. Their family is not members, but they came and supported them and are interested in learning more

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Week 60 - Huaraz

Many great things are happening here in our area and we are really excited for this next week that is coming. We have a few people that are really progressing, and we have also gotten to know a few new families this past week.
The highlight of this week once again was working with Hermana Agripina and her family. We have been visiting them quite often, and they are still going strong with their goal to read the Book of Mormon for 21 days straight together. This week we talked to them a little bit about a few commandments. It has been great to see their progress, and as we explained a few of the commandments they really showed their humility and showed that they trust the Lord. As we taught them they actually bore testimony to us. Her daughters Hermana Roxana and Hermana Yaquelin have told us that they are willing to be baptized this weekend the 22nd of October. They are pretty excited and a little bit nervous, but they will be just fine. They have worked so hard to prepare themselves. The Lord has really blessed me by putting me here at this time. What a privilege.
Every week is always full of ups and downs. I have learned to trust in the advice that the Lord gave to the missionaries in the Book of Mormon, to be patient. Yesterday, after lunch we walked around for quite a while and didn't really have any lessons. We kept going, however, and the Lord blessed us big time. Our second counselor in the Ward, Hermano Javier, came by in his truck and took us to go visit a few people. We got to know a recent convert here a little bit better, and we had the privilege to get to know his family. Their family is very humble, and they are very willing to learn. We also went with him to go visit Hermana Agripina and her family last night. Getting to work with members makes the work so much easier, and its a pretty good time as well.
Today for Pday we hiked as a zone to the Laguna Wilcacocha. It was a pretty good hike and when we got to the Laguna I couldn't help but laugh. Its basically a pond, but we got to take some great pictures of the awesome view. It was a pretty great pday.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I have now read it two times from the beginning to the end. I am very grateful for the restoration of the gospel, and for the hope and happiness it brings into our lives.

my companion and I. it was windy so I've got some nice hair

The Valley 

selfie by Wilcacocha 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 59 - Huaraz

One more great week in the work has come to an end. This week we were super busy and it has been super great to see the progress of the people that we are working with.
Hermana Agripina and her daughters are still progressing a ton. They have set a goal to read the Book of Mormon together every night for 21 days. It is amazing the progress that we have seen in their family as they read The Book of Mormon and pray. This last Saturday we had a family home evening with them and they invited their family members. It was a great time and it was a pretty full house. We explained the Plan of Salvation to them a little bit, and we got to answer a lot of their questions. The Plan of Salvation really makes so much sense and I believe that we had a knowledge of this plan before this life on earth. In the end of the family home evening Hermana Agripina shared her testimony with her whole family. It was so powerful. Yesterday we visited them as well, and we got to answer a few of their questions about a few commandments and we got to talk a little bit about baptism. They have been developing their testimonies, and they told us that they want to be baptized. It was so awesome. We were smiling pretty big. A few trials have recently come into their path, but I know that the Lord will prepare the way for them. It has been such a blessing getting to help this family and see their progress.
Lately we have been learning more about the restoration and how we can teach it better as a mission. This week we met a man who had a ton of questions about all of the religions and about all of the things that he has heard about the many churches that there is. It was really interesting, however, because as we explained the restoration his questions stopped and he began to listen more. This week we had a leader training with President Rios and the assistants. President Rios told us ¨La Restauración esta cargada de poder¨ which means, more or less, that the message of The Restoration is packed with power. I really have seen that that is true.
The meeting we had with President Rios was awesome, and I also got to see my trainer Elder Sanchez. He is ending his mission in a few weeks so we took one last picture which ill send in this summary.
I know that this is the work of the Lord. I know that this life is a time to learn and to gain experience. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow as a missionary in this great work.

 eating lunch in Trujillo at the leader training

Elder Sanchez, his trainer.

Elder Guerrero. an elder from my group 

Week 58 - Huaraz

Elder Miller's weekly summary from October 3rd, 2016

This week was a great week in the work. We were super busy all week doing things for the zone and working in our area. Time sure flies by when you are having fun.
This week we have been working with a less active member, hermana Agripina and her daughters. They have started to read The Book of Mormon from the beginning and yesterday we had a really awesome lesson with them. We got to answer a few of their questions about The Book of Mormon and about why Joseph Smith was disciplined by the Lord for a short time during the translation. After we had answered a few of their questions my companion asked them if that felt like they had received an answer to know that the book is true. They explained to us their feelings about The Book of Mormon and told us that what they have read up to now they know to be true. They told us that it has in a sense opened a door into another world. My companion, hermana Agripina, and myself had some pretty big smiles. We were pretty happy. The Book of Mormon is so powerful, and I am so grateful for it.
The less active member that we taught last week, hermano Luis, is still progressing and doing very well. We have gotten to visit him a few times this past week, and he always gives us a big hug when we see him. He got to come to conference and it seemed like he quite enjoyed it. It has been such a blessing to see his progress in these past two weeks.
I really enjoyed general conference this past week as well. It was a great weekend filled with great council from the Lord´s leaders. I really loved the talk by Elder Hales in the first session and how he talked about families. I also really enjoyed the talk by Elder Holland in the priesthood session. Holding the priesthood is a great privilege. I liked how many people talked about repentance and how it is a blessing in our life. I know that the general authorities, apostles, and Prophet Thomas S. Monson are called of God. I am so grateful to be a missionary in this time. It is a great privilege to be a missionary. I really love it. I know that the Lord loves us and knows us, and I also know that we can come to know him.

a little bit of a zoomed in pic of the mountains from our room

Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 57 - Huaraz

One more week in the sierra here in Peru was pretty awesome. It has rained almost every day this past week, and when it rains it really pours. Its nice to have a little bit of a change in the weather that's for sure. Its also a huge blessing getting to see the mountains here every day.
The highlight of my week was probably getting to work with a less active member. We got to know him a little bit last Tuesday, and we got to visit him quite a bit this last week. He has been struggling a little bit with a few commandments. Seeing him humble himself was a very good experience. As we talked with him this past week and as we read The Book of Mormon with him this past week we have really been able to see the Spirit working in him. He was excited to go to church Sunday, and when he got there he told us that on the way to church he met someone for us to visit.(which as missionaries is awesome news) We had a great day at church with him and in the end he told us that he felt like new. That was definitely a huge miracle that we got to see this last week. I am very grateful that Heavenly Father has put me where I am and given me the chance to help this man and his family. More than anything I am grateful for the atonement and for the chance it gives us to change and become better.
This week the assistants and President Rios came to Huaraz to do a little conference with us. It was really awesome. President Rios really is very good at inspiring us and helping us become better. On Saturday after the conference the assistants went with my companion and I to proselyte with us. It was such a huge blessing to get to go teach a few families with my trainer Elder Sanchez again. I learned really how much you can learn from one little scripture. It was a great day.
We have been working with two sisters and helping them with their Books of Mormon a little bit these past two weeks as well. Their mom has been a less active member for quite a while, but has started to come back to church. We had a really good conversation with them yesterday. They told us how they never really imagined that they would be listening to the missionaries, and that they were shocked that their mom has been coming back to church. As we talked with them we really got to see their sincere desire to gain their own testimonies. It is amazing how the Lord prepares his children.
I know this is the work of The Lord and that He restored His gospel in these latter days. I am very grateful for the chance to be a missionary in this great work.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 56 - Huaraz

My first week back in Huaraz was great! I got here early in the morning last Wednesday. This week my companion and I have been visiting quite a few of the members and we have gotten to visit a few investigators as well. The members here in Huaraz are awesome!
This week my companion, Elder Pacherres, and I had a family home evening with a Family of members. We invited another family of investigators to come with us and they came and had a great time. We talked about obedience and about Mosiah 2:41. I really love how simple the Gospel is. Keep the commandments and receive blessings.
Yesterday we got to visit the same family of investigators and we got to talk to them a little bit about The Book of Mormon. They had read a little bit in their Books and had a few questions when we got there. We talked for a little while with them, and helped them understand The Book of Mormon. It was really cool to see them light up as they understood the answers to their questions, and in the end of the lesson one of them said that it made so much sense. I am very grateful for people who have been prepared by the Lord to be humble and to listen to us. I am very grateful for The Book of Mormon and for the message that it contains of hope.
This week we visited another member family that I knew when I was in this Zone when I started my mission. It was so great to see them again. They have had a few trials lately, but they let us visit with them and we watched a Mormon message with them. In the end of the lesson they bore their testimonies and it was really cool to see the hope that they had because of their faith. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to get to help the great people here strengthen their faith.
Yesterday we had stake conference here in Huaraz, so I got to see a few of the members from Caraz, my first area. It was so great to see them and to talk to my first bishop here in the mission. One of the sisters, that was our pensionista there for a few weeks, brought me manjar(its a sweet spread that they put on cakes here or on bread) because she remembered that I loved it. The conference was great. I really liked the talk from our Stake President, President Zavaleta. He talked about how we need to strive to be perfect like our Savior was. He explained that, although we will never become perfect in this life, we need to strive to know the Lord and to follow in his footsteps.
This week my companion and I have really gotten to see how the Lord fulfills the promises that we leave with the people that we visit. I remember hearing earlier in my mission that we should be the most optimistic people. I am very grateful for the gospel, and for a Loving and patient Heavenly Father. I know the Book of Mormon is true and that The Church of Jesus Christ has been restored.
Lunch today (Elder Miller & his companion, Elder Pacherres

Monday, September 12, 2016

Week 55 - Viru (last day in Viru)

Elder Miller's Summary from today, September 12th, 2016

heres a pic of my second companion Elder rodriguez and I at the multizone conference we had

One more week here in Viru is in the books. It was a great week. Last Monday we had a really nice family home evening with our Pensionista, who is an investigator, and her sister, who is a member. We got to talk a lot about the Savior and we invited her to read the Book of Mormon. Then a little bit later we went and visited the councilor of our branch president and his family. We got to have a really good visit with them and we reminded him of our Branch Council meetings that we have. He was so humble and really listened to us and I really appreciated that. The people here in Viru are so great. They are very humble.
This week we also got to know a new family. It turned out that the mom had actually worked for the member who fed some of the first missionaries that came to Viru. She remembered that they were really good people and that they worked hard. It is interesting how something so little that happened so many years ago had an impact on this lady, and that it helped us to earn her confidence. It didn't take me long to realize that as a missionary baptisms don't really come easy. Helping families to progress doesn't really come easy either, but we are planting seeds that will help these families and the missionaries in the future.
The highlight of my week was probably seeing a less active family come to church yesterday. I have passed by this family and visited them during pretty much my whole time here. At times they haven't really wanted to listen, and at times we have been able to have really spiritual experiences with them. They finally came to church yesterday. I couldn't help but smile as I saw them enter into sacrament room all cleaned up in their Sunday bests.
Yesterday we also had changes. After seven months here in Viru I will be going to a new area to proselyte. I am going back to the mountains of Huaraz. I am sooooooo excited to go back to Huaraz. It is definitely tough to leave the people here and the great missionaries in this zone, but I am so excited for the new opportunity to serve in Huaraz with a super great missionary named Elder Pacheres. I will head to Trujillo tomorrow morning, then tomorrow night I will head to Huaraz and I will get there early Wednesday morning. This week is going to be quite the adventure.
I know that this is the work of the Lord. I Know that He knows us personally and that He is very patient and loving. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have been given to serve in this great work.

Week 54 - Viru

Summary from September 5th, 2016:
This was another great week in Viru full of ups and downs. Last Monday we had a really fun family home evening with a bunch of members. It was a really good time. We talked about doing missionary work, and when we finished we played hot potato. The members here are so awesome. They are so generous and willing to help us. 
This week the family that we have been working with a ton has had even more trials. One morning this week I called the dad, hermano Carlos, and he told me that he was going to work and that his wife had something to tell us. I was really worried after hearing that. It turned out that their son got sick again and when they were in the hospital they talked and made the decision that they want to get married, but that they don't want to get baptized yet. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. They did express to us their frustration in one visit that we had with them this week as well. They told us that they feel a little bit abandoned. We listened to them then decided to say a prayer in their house with them. As we prayed the thought came to my mind to watch a Mormon message that we have by Elder Holland that talks about a young couple that goes through a few trails with their car. We watched the video with them and the spirit really filled their home. I have really been thinking about them a lot lately and how I can help them to persevere. The thought came to my mind that they aren't alone. The Lord has placed us in their lives to help them and guide them at this time. I also read the talk from conference by Elder Uchtdorf called ¨He Will Place You On His Shoulders and Carry You Home¨ this life really is a test, but if we are willing to trust in Christ and follow him he will lead us to higher ground. 
It is tough to see the people go through trials, but I know that this gospel helps us to overcome our trials. I have realized that we really need to put all of our trust in the Lord and everything will be ok. 
This week we also got to teach a young investigator named Gustavo. He is twenty years old and his cousin just got back from her mission. We got to have a really good lesson with him and his dad about the restoration. They are really excited to keep learning.
Every week here in the mission is a little bit different that's for sure. I know this is the work of the Lord and that he guides us. I know that our Savior lives and loves us. 

some pday basketball today

Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 53 - Viru

This week was another really great week here in Viru. The highlight of this week was definitely a little conference that we had in Trujillo this week with Elder Montoya of the 70 and his wife Sister Montoya. He is the second counselor of our area here in South America. 
They shared many life experiences that really helped me to strengthen my faith and really inspired me. Sister Montoya Spoke first and she shared with us a few pieces of advice that I really liked. She said that as missionaries we get rejected a lot, but it is so important that we maintain a good attitude at all times. It definitely isnt something new, but it was a good reminder. They both talked a lot about being consecrated as well. Elder Montoya shared a lot of stories about the power of the priesthood that have really motivated me to do my best each and every day to live worthy of the POWER of the priesthood. One thing that he said as well that has echoed in my head all week is ¨ustedes cambian vidas¨ it means you change lives. He shared with us stories from his mission and his kids missions. The Gospel of Jesus Christ really does change lives.
This week we had a good lesson with the family that I talked about last week, Carlos and Elisa. We got to talk to them more about Christ and the power of the atonement. It was really cool to see hope grow in them as we talked with them. I know the Lord has sent us to them for a reason, and that with his divine help they will be able to overcome their challenges and all will be well.
This week we also got to do a few visits with our old pensionistas sister. Her name is Arminda. It was really interesting actually. We brought her to a house to visit a family and it turned out that the mom was her neighbor when they were kids. Sunday they sent their kids to church, so that is one step in the right direction. Little by litte.
Yesterday we got to visit my converts, Monica, Manuel and Gonzalo. I really enjoyed talking to them. Gonzalo explained to us the change that he has seen in his son, Manuel, and it made me super happy getting to listen to his testimony of missionary work. I really enjoy being a missionary. It is a great privilege to be able to serve. I definitely have lots of things to improve, but I know that as I keep pressing forward the Lord will help me become a better teacher of the gospel and help make weak things become strong unto me. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Week 52 -Viru

Email Summary from week of: 
August 22nd

This week was another good week here in Viru. My companion and I got to work with lots of great people this week and were able to enjoy another week in the work of the Lord. 
When I think about this past week one family really sticks out to me. Carlos, Elisa and their two kids. We have been teaching them for quite some time now and they have come to church a few times. We have been talking to them alot about marriage lately as we try and help them to see the importance of it. Slowly they have been progressing towards a marriage. They are passing through a few trials right now as a family. We visited them this week with our old pensionista and she brought up the idea of doing a fast. So that is what we did with them. It went super great. They also came to all three hours of church yesterday, and it was really awesome because the whole third hour was all about marriage. I am so grateful for the oportunity that I have to walk with these people for a short time in their lives to be able to help them grow closer to Christ. I know that he lives and that he will help and bless this family. 
This last wednsday was a pretty interesting day. In the morning we almost had our plans ready to go, but we just needed one member to help us with a visit. We couldnt find one for the life of us either. I was a little bit frustrated, but as I look back I know it was for a reason. We later passed by the relief society presidents house and asked her if she could help us with a visit, and she told us that she could. Later that day we went to the visit and the person we were going to visit wasnt there, so we walked for a few minutes, then we decided to visit one of the relief society presidents neighbors. Long story short. We got to know her neighbor and her family this week. They are super great people and they told us that the night before we visited them that they had been talking about churches, and had come to the conclusion that it was a good time to really get closer to our Heavenly Father and come to church. I am very grateful that Heavenly Father is preparing people in our area to receive the gospel. 
I know this is the work of the Lord and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it. I know that Christ lived, died, and was resurrected for us. I know he is a perfect example for each and every one of us. 

Week 51 -Viru

Email Summary from:
August 15, 2016
Helo I am back in Viru this pday and it is a super nice day here. My companion and I had a pretty good week in the work here. I really enjoy serving here in Viru. 
We had a really good visit with a family that we have been teaching for quite a while. They are really awesome and we have a few members that have helped us a bunch with this family. They are working towards a wedding right now. They are kind of nervous, but little by little we are helping them to overcome their fear. It has been really cool to see their faith grow. The wife in the beginning had a few doubts, but right now she really has a desire to do the right.
This week we had a lesson with an old invesigator that we havent visited very much lately. He is one our recent converts husband. He has a few doubts. In the beginning of the lesson we shared the scripture in D&C 6:36, and we talked a lot about how the gospel helps us not to have fears or doubts in our lives. It is something that we forget at times I thing, but it is something that I love about the gospel. As we strive to have more confidence in Christ he helps fill our lives with hope and happiness. 
This week we also got to go visit one of our investigators with the first councilor of our branch. I havent really had the chance to work much with him, but he really helped us explain the apostasy and the restoration. It was really awesome to see our investigator understand the importance of the restoration. He came to church yesterday for the first time and is progressing little by little.  
This week I also had the chance to do a companion exchange with one elder, named Elder Ricse, In the district that is being trained by a really good elder, named Elder Hart. It was a really fun day. We had a few great lessons, and we got to teach a family that was recently baptised about repentance. Being a missionary is such a blessing. I really enjoy it and I am very grateful for the patience that our Father in Heaven has with us. I know that this is his work and that thanks to Christ and his atonement everything is possible. I know that families can be together forever.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Week 50 - Viru

One more week is in the books in good ol Viru! It was a really great week and I really enjoyed it. Today I am actually in Trujillo. My companion had to go to Lima to do some paper work for his visa so I am here for the day. It has been a pretty fun day. We stayed with the Elders from the mission office last night and now I am with a a few missionaries that are serving here in Trujillo.
This week was awesome. Sunday was  a great day! One less active member that we have been working on for a while finally came to church this Sunday and he bore his testimony. He is so smart and knows quite a bit about the gospel. Like everyone he has his own struggles, however, so he has not been active. This last Saturday we visited them and we invited him to come to church and he told us ¨yeah ill go in two thousand.....¨ and then I said ¨sixteen¨ we laughed a little bit and he ended up coming to church with his wife. He is a teacher and when he bore his testimony he talked about how kids from the church and the missionaries have been instruments in the hands of our Heavenly Father as they have invited him to come to church and have constantly reminded him of that invitation. It never hurts to invite someone that's for sure!
This week we also got to teach Hermana Augustina. Her husband is a less active member and she has been traveling a lot lately because her daughter has been sick. Well this week her sister in law, the relief society president, helped us go visit her. We talked a little bit about the restoration and talked about the Book of Mormon. I knew that she had been reading the Book of Mormon a little bit, so we talked about that a little bit. She told us that she has received an answer that it is true. It is so amazing to see how the Lord is preparing his children here on earth to receive the gospel. He is at the head of this work.
Yesterday I studied a little bit about patience and as I studied the story of Ammon in the Book of Mormon came to my mind. He had such a good attitude. I love his story and his example. He went to do the Lords work and it was super hard for him. He had to serve the king and as he was trying to serve the king the sheep got completely scattered. I think in this situation I would probably get mad and frustrated, as I'm sure many people would, but he was more or less excited and grateful for the opportunity to gather the sheep and fight off the people who were scattering them. I really am very grateful for the Book of Mormon and for all that we can learn from it. I know that as we study it and as we apply what we learn we become better and stronger people. I know this is the work of the Lord and I'm grateful for the guidance that he gives us.

This week we got to do a little bit of service to help a family here in Viru. It was a pretty interesting little process. We put corn into bags made out of net material and then beat the corn with these poles to separate it from the cob. It is a pretty good job if you want to relieve some stress I guess. I'm really grateful for combines! It was not really that efficient at all! It was a good workout however! It was cool to get to do it one time, but I couldn't imagine doing that for a living!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Week 49 - Viru

This past week was a really great week here in Viru! We also had transfers yesterday and I am going to be staying here for six more weeks with my companion Elder Cruz. I really do enjoy serving here in Viru.
This week was a really awesome week in the work. We got to know a few new families and we got to help a few people progress a little bit. The highlight of my week was probably a lesson that we had with a family this last Friday. We had taught the mom and the daughter of this family before, but we hadn't been able to teach them all together yet. We were proselyting over by their house and our visit fell through so we decided to see if they were home. The dad answered the door and said come in. After a few minutes the whole family was sitting in their living room and we got to teach them about the restoration. They had great questions and it really was an uplifting experience for me. The mom really likes the church because she knows it will help her kids. In the end of the lesson the mom stood up and said ¨you know what I like about this? we are all together as a family.¨ That made my whole day. The gospel really does bring families together!
This week we also got the chance to be part of the Trek that they had here in Viru for the first time ever. The youth really enjoyed it and learned a lot. We got to go with them for the first day and we shared stories of the pioneers and encouraged them in the path. I cannot imagine how tough the pioneers were. They had such firm testimonies. I am grateful for their examples.(i included a photo of my companion, Frank, and I)
This week we also got to work with the family that i talked about last week a little bit. Carlos and Eliza are doing well. She left on a little trip this week, so we just taught him. He is really humble. We explained repentance to him this week and talked about baptism. He is very willing to learn and I really enjoy teaching him. This week I have realized that so many people really feel that they need to be baptized, but just are scared to enter the path. I really like how it explains in the scriptures that fear doesn't come from the Lord. I am very grateful for that knowledge that we have. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is one of Hope and Happiness.
I am so grateful for this gospel and for the blessings it brings into our lives. I am grateful for a Father in Heaven that loves us and is patient with us. I know that he knows us personally.
Pday hoops at the church


Frank, Elder Miller & Elder Cruz at TREK

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Week 48 - Viru

July 25th, 2016 

This week was another really great week here in Viru. I really have grown to love this place. It started off a little rough because our family home evening that we had planned fell through last Monday, but it ended on a great note. We had an open house in the Church yesterday, and it went super great. We spent all week handing out invitations, and I think not a single person that we invited during the week came. The Church is by a pretty busy street, however, so we started inviting people in from the street with the members and it turned into a big success. It was a really fun activity. The members are so powerful. We have so much more success when we get to work with them. It is such a blessing to have a nice Church building here as well.
This week we had the chance to give a few blessings to sick people as well. In one situation we found a less active member and we tried to teach her, but she said she didn't have time. We gave her the blessing then left. As we were walking on the trail to our next visit I felt that we should go back and teach her. That is what we did. I was definitely kind of nervous because she already said she didn't have time to listen, but when we got there we told her why we had come back and she let us teach her about the restoration for a few minutes. I'm not exactly sure why we were sent back yet, but I know it was for some purpose.
We also have been teaching a young family that is progressing a little bit. The mom has gotten a lot more excited about the Gospel in these past few weeks. Their little son got sick a few weeks ago and it got worse this week. He wasn't really eating anything, but we were able to give him a blessing. Then we talked to them about family prayer and invited them to pray as a family. We passed by the next day, and their little son was running around and laughing. He is doing much better now. I am very grateful for the opportunity to help the people here in Peru. I am excited to keep helping this family progress. 
This last week was a great week, and this next week will be a great week as well. The district has organized a Trek for the youth and for the members as well. We get to be a part of it too. We get to tell stories of the Pioneers. I have been studying the story that I am going to share and it always amazes me the mental toughness that the pioneers had. 
I know the Lord gives us strength and that he guides us and loves us. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Week 47 - Viru

This was another good week here in Viru. 
Last Monday we had a family home evening in a recent converts house and it went very well. We had plans to talk about the Book of Mormon, but as we started we realized that there was only one other guy in the room. We ended up talking a little bit about moms and read a few verses from Alma 56. It was a great uplifting experience.
Later on in the week we got the chance to teach a less active family. The parents are Maria and Amarante. They are so great and I really enjoyed teaching them. The dad has gone through a few troubles, but as we talked and read with him I saw that the spirit was able to comfort him. The Book of Mormon is such a powerful book. We I really enjoy using it and it makes teaching about a million times easier.(I think I've said that a million times in my summaries, but its so true.) 
On Wednesday I had a district leaders training meeting in Trujillo and it was a great training. In the beginning we read in the book of Mormon for a little while and President Rios showed us how we should always be finding lessons that we can apply to our own lives and circumstances as we read the scriptures. It is so true the scriptures really can teach us so much if we are applying what we learn and feel as we read them to our own lives. 
In the end of this last week we had a little activity in the Church and quite a few people came actually. It kind of shocked me a little bit actually!(maybe i should have more faith haha) We started out by asking the question what makes our church special or what makes it different than the rest? then we watched a great little video about the Book of Mormon. One member also helped out a ton and provided us with a little snack as well. 
I have said many times that having a good attitude is very important and once again id say that's the truth. It is not something that is easy always. This last week I didn't really feel super excited and I got a little bit frustrated at times, but I know that I am exactly where I need to be and I know that this is the work of the Lord. It is not an easy work, but it is important. I am so grateful for the many blessings that I have received from my Heavenly Father and especially for the atonement. I know the atonement has the power to change and improve lives. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Week 46 - Viru

One more week here in Viru is in the books! It was a great week and I really enjoyed it. This week I had the chance to go on two companion exchanges and I really got to learn a lot from the other Elders about how they teach and what they are doing to have success in getting to know new people to teach.
This last week we had a family home evening in our branch presidents house with a few other members and it went very well. We shared a mormon message that talked about being obedient. It was a really awesome video. I really like one part of it when Elder Eyring talks and suggests that we pray in the morning and ask for the help of the Lord to be able to be obedient for one day. I really hope that helped inspire the people present to keep pushing forward and take living the gospel day by day. I know that as we work day by day to do the best we can and as we work day by day in the work of The Lord he helps us reach our full potential.
This week we had the chance to meet a few new families. The gospel really can help anybody and can answer the questions that so many people have in the world today.
This week we got the opportunity to teach a family about how marriage can be a blessing for their family and how the gospel is a sure foundation for their family. I really enjoyed teaching about the family and it is so cool to see the progress of these families. The people here are very humble and despite their difficulties they are always willing to press forward with hope.
Yesterday we had a transmission from the area Presidency for all of the members in the area and it was really awesome. As they encouraged the members during the transmission I tried to put myself in their shoes a little bit and I realized that they have some really important responsibilities that seemed like they were going to take lots of time, but in the end Elder Uceda repeated the words of Elder Bednar and said basically that we don't need to take more time to fulfill our responsibilities, but rather we need to focus on our goals and work towards them in the time that we do have.
I know that the Lord always provides the way for us to accomplish what he wants us to do. I know that as we work hard that he helps us accomplish great things.

Cookin up some churros. 
We made a ton and I'm pretty sure I don't need to eat another churro for a long time. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Week 45 - Viru

Happy 4th of July America!!!!!! 
This week was another good week in the work. Every week is different and unique. This week we had a few days that we walked a ton because we couldn't find a lesson, but i guess that's part of being a missionary! During one of these days we had been walking around for almost 3 hours when I decided to knock on a random door and the guy inside opened the door and the first words out of his mouth were ¨pasen¨ which basically means come in. That was definitely a huge tender mercy! He was a really nice guy and he was eager to listen and learn a little bit more.
This week we also got to work with a young part member family. Carlos and Eliza. She was baptized about 2 years ago and he is not a member yet. He has been working far away and coming back every few weeks for a few days, but now he has a new job here so he should be here every day which will make it a lot easier to visit him more. I have visited him a few times now and he is really humble and believes that the Church is true. I feel very blessed to have been put here in my area at this time. There is so many good people here. It really hope and pray that I am working hard enough to be able to help them the best that I can. 
This week we also had interviews with President Rios and they went very well. He has a clear goal of what he wants us to be doing and is helping us to step it up a little bit more so that we can hasten the work. 
I am so grateful for the chance I have to be a missionary. I am learning many things. I am very grateful for the Love of our Heavenly Father and for his patience.