Matthew 28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Week 95 - Chimbote

Monday, June 26, 2017

This past week was another good week here in Chimbote. It´s winter here and I'm loving it.
We have a few investigators that are progressing pretty well and it´s great to see that. One of our investigators that we are visiting is Hermano Edson. He is awesome. We have been visiting for a couple months now and we got to meet his grandma yesterday. She has listened to the missionaries before and gone to family home evenings with the missionaries in the past as well. She has a picture that they took in a family home evening about fifteen years ago. It was nice to get to talk to her about the good experiences she had with the missionaries in the past and we are excited to get to keep helping them.
This week we got to visit Hermano Efren and his family a little bit. His wife is progressing little by little and that is great to see. One of the happiest moments of the whole week was getting to see them together in church yesterday. They aren't afraid to ask questions, and they are learning quite a bit. It is so cool to see how happy they get as they learn more. Going to church really is a big blessing that helps us to be strengthened for a new week.
This week President Ríos and Sister Ríos came and trained us. It was a great training. They helped us to realize that we need to rely on the spirit as we teach and help the people in our areas. Sometimes it´s easy to do things our way not relying on the spirit, but the only way to success in the Lord´s work is his way.
This past week we had a few interesting experiences listening to what people have heard or think about the church. It is always interesting listening to that. There is always opposition and its so cool to see the people´s reaction when we answer their questions. I have come to realize that what the Prophet said about the Book of Mormon is true. We have to always strengthen our testimony of the Book of Mormon in these latter days.
I know that the Lord has restored his church and that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet called of God. I know that the Lord´s work will never be frustrated.

Here is a picture of us eating cuy last Monday. We ate cuy and fried rabbit. It was pretty good actually.

Week 94 - Chimbote

Monday, June 19, 2017

These past two weeks have flown by and we have kept pretty busy. I will try and remember as much as I can to share with you.
Hermano Efren and his family are doing well. They have been been faced with a few trials lately, but that has given us the opportunity to help them to choose to have faith and press forward. His daughter, who was baptized a few months ago, has such a strong testimony of the Savior and she always amazes us. She shared with us an experience she had the past week with prayer. It is so awesome to see how people learn to have faith and rely on the Lord when they need help and strength. In a world where there is so many things one can look to for help it is awesome to see people looking to the right place for that help and receiving it. Hearing her testimony helped me to strengthen my testimony that God really does hear and answer our prayers.
About a month ago we knocked on a door and we got to meet a nice family. The mom let us in, and we got to teach them a few times in the following weeks. This past week, as we talked with the mom about a few things she had heard about the church from other people that brought her doubts, the mom told us that she is actually a member of the church. She had been baptized in Trujillo when she was a young lady. We were pretty surprised and we realized that the Lord doesn't forget his children and doesn't give up on them no matter where they are in their lives. We are excited to help her find the answers to her questions.
This past Friday we got to go to the temple. It was sooo awesome. President and Sister Ríos came with us. It was nice a big blessing getting to go to the temple. I feel strengthened and ready to press forward.
I know that the Lord loves and knows us. I know that the gospel can help us to get to where we want to be.

Here is a picture from the temple. This past week.

Week 93 - Chimbote

Friday, June 16, 2017

Mom and Dad,
I know its been a while since I've written you. We had p-day today because we got to go to the temple in Trujillo. It was sooooo awesome. We got to go through the temple with the whole zone and President and Sister Ríos. We don't have a lot of time to write because p-day ends here soon, but I just wanted to let you know that I am doing well and enjoying my time here in the mission. I will have a normal p-day on Monday, so I will be able to write you more then. Thanks for all you do for me. I have only had time to take a glimpse at a few pics you sent. It looks like it has been raining a ton at home! I'm sure it will be super green and stay that way for a while. Our investigators are doing well and Hermano Efren and his wife are doing well. as well. I love you! Have a great weekend! Take care!!!

Week 92 - Chimbote

Monday, June 5, 2017

This past week was a great week! It started out great and just got better as the week went on.
On Monday we had a couple family home evenings. The last one we had was with Hermano Efren and his daughter, Hermana Eva. We talked to Hermano Efren a little bit about his baptism. His daughter, who got baptized a few months ago bore her testimony to her dad and that really helped him make the firm decision to get baptized.
We got to visit Hermano Efren every day this past week, and on Wednesday he told us that he had to go to Trujillo for an appointment with his eye doctor. Thursday night, he told us that he had to have a little operation on Friday. We weren't really sure how everything was going to work out. He called us on Friday afternoon, however, and told us that he was good to go and that he wanted to have his interview that night. He got baptized on Saturday and it was such an awesome experience. I definitely feel very blessed that I have gotten the opportunity to help Hermano Efren with my companions and the members. He is so awesome. His wife and kids are very happy with the decision that he has made as well. It is awesome to see that. I have included a picture from his baptismal service.
This last week we also had interviews with President Ríos and the assistants taught us a little bit about how we should study and use the scriptures. They were both really edifying experiences and I got to learn a few new things. It is so interesting how one can learn so much from the scriptures if he just takes his time to read them and also ponder in what he is reading.
I know that this is the work of the Lord. I know that all of the success that we can have is thanks to Him. I know that he has a plan and if we are obedient we can receive all of the blessings that he has to offer us.

Week 91 - Chimbote

Monday, May 29, 2017

This last week was a great week! I learned a few new things this past week and we got to see few people progress a little bit more. The week ended on a great note. We were very saw many blessings in the church yesterday.
Last Monday, we had a nice little family home evening with a family, and they invited their neighbors for a little lesson as well. It was a good evening. It is always fun to work alongside the members.
Hermano Efren and his wife, Hermana Eva, are doing very well. We got to teach them a little bit this week, and as always they were very grateful for the visit. We are very blessed to be able to teach such great people. They came to church together this past Sunday and they left after the meeting with smiles on their faces. This work is very rewarding. It was so great to see that they were together and happy.
This past week we got to teach hermano Edson again. He is doing well and we were able to talk to him a little bit about the Plan of Salvation. We were able to answer a lot of questions that he had as well. The more I learn about the Plan of Salvation the more I realize how perfect it is.
Yesterday many of our investigators were able to go to church. That was a so great to see. I have come to realize that when one goes to church one leaves feeling good and we get reminded of the most important things in life.
I am very grateful for my two companions and all that we are learning together. I know that this is the work of the Lord and that he directs it. One of the speakers this past Sunday in church said something that I really liked. He said, ¨querer is poder¨ which means basically if you want to do something you will be able to do it.  I know that the atonement of Christ can heal and strengthen us throughout our whole lives if we really want it to.

Week 90 - Chimbote

Monday, May 22, 2017

This past week was a great week. We were super busy and we also received a visit from President and Sister Ríos. It´s always nice see them.
Last Monday we taught Hermana Fany her last lesson. She has learned a ton in these past few weeks and got baptized this Saturday. It was a great baptism. A lot of the members came to support her as well so that was awesome to see. I really liked the bishop´s welcome that he gave to her. Her basically told her that her family got a lot bigger and she has a lot more brothers and sisters with imperfections and talents. I am very grateful to be serving here in my area at this time.
Our Investigator, Hermano Efren, is doing very well. He went to church yesterday and it is just so awesome to see how active he is in the classes. He really does find joy learning about the gospel and seeing it makes me pretty happy.
Another investigator that we have only been teaching for a few weeks, Hermano Edson, came to church for the first time this past week as well. He is 19 years old and has gone to a few churches before. He had a great experience at church yesterday. The members were all super friendly and we got to go visit him with one of the members after church. We talked a little bit about The Book of Mormon with him, and at the end of our visit Hermano Edson shared his testimony with us. He told us that he knows that we didn't get to his house just by chance.
Getting to teach such great people reminds me that we don't work alone in this great work. I know that the Lord prepares his children, and as President Ríos taught us this week there are many people just waiting for us to find them.
This past week President and Sister Ríos came to our room and checked it out to make sure that we are keeping things in order. It was great to have their visit. I know they are called of God.
Yesterday, we had transfers. I am going to be staying here in my area for one more transfer with my two companions. I am excited for one more transfer here.
I know that this is the work of the Lord and I know that our obedience brings us blessings.

My companions, Hermano Jorge, Hermana Fany, and myself

all of the missionaries in Chimbote and Casmaa after a training this past week

Week 89 - Chimbote

Monday, May 15, 2017

This past week was a great week full of many blessings. We got to know a few new people. We also had some very uplifting experiences.
Last Monday night my companion and I traveled to Trujillo with a few other missionaries and we had a training last Tuesday with President Ríos, Sister Ríos, and the assistants. We talked about Christlike attributes and they really helped us realize that we have to love our missions. I will never forget what my parents and a friend told me a while ago, that we can only control our attitude and our effort. I have been very blessed and I have been able to find joy in The Lords´s work. I know that being a full time missionary for two years is a great blessing.
This past week we got to teach Hermano Efren and his wife, Hermana Eva, they are very loving people and are always so grateful for our visits. This week was actually the first time that we got to teach Hermana Eva. She has been going to another church, but has decided to listen to us after seeing how happy her daughter and husband are in the church. I know that the gospel blesses families and we are very excited for the chance to help their family.
Hermana Fany is still progressing as well. She has progressed so much and has decided to get baptized this Saturday. We got to talk to her a little bit about the commandments this past week. She was very willing to live them. It is interesting how our faith in the basic principles of the gospel helps us to strive to be obedient to all of the commandments.
Yesterday, Mother´s Day, was an awesome day. Getting to Skype the family was great as always! Then in the afternoon when we arrived to the door of a member´s house I saw a little family on the sidewalk waiting for a bus. As I got closer I realized that I knew the family. It was Hermana Monica and her two kids. She lives in Viru. She is one of Elder Herget and I´s converts. It was great to see her and her family. She told me that they are all doing great. It was awesome to hear that.
I know this is the Lord´s work. I know that families are so important in God´s plan.

Here is a picture from our training in Trujillo. There´s more pictures on the mission blog as well!

Week 88 - Chimbote

Monday, May 8, 2017

This past week was amazing. The Lord really is hastening his work. We also had stake conference, and that was a great way to end the week.
Last week started off pretty well. We stayed busy finding a few new people to teach and teaching our investigators. On Thursday we did some splits and I went with our ward mission leader, Hermano Jaime, to visit a few members. It was a great experience. I have learned just how important it is to take care of the people who have entered into this straight and narrow path because they still stumble and have trials in their lives as well. I have learned, however, that if we are obedient we will receive the strength necessary to press forward,
Hermano Efren is doing much better and we got to talk to him a little bit this week. He is so awesome. He has so much potential and it´s so great to talk to him and see his point of view. He really strives to see people as the Savior does. He went to stake conference yesterday and really liked it, so we were pretty happy about that.
Stake conference was really awesome. President Ríos came and talked. He gave a great talk about having faith and praying to strengthen our faith in God the Father and his Son. He is a great speaker and really strives to inspire people when he talks and teaches. After President Ríos, A seventy came and spoke as well. He talked about shared a few stories and talked about the importance of being obedient. I really enjoyed his talk as well.
After the conference, we got to teach Hermana Fany again, after not teaching her for about two weeks. In the two weeks that we had not taught her she prayed and read her scriptures, but also found a video on the internet and had a few doubts. We were able to answer her questions about what she had seen on the internet and she then expressed to us her desire to be baptized. The spirit was very strong in the conference and I really believe that it inspired her and helped her to make this important decision. We were so happy to hear that she had made that decision and we left the church building feeling pretty happy.
Last night we got to know a young man, Hermano Edson, he is nineteen years old and really wants to do the right. He has gone to a few other churches before, but currently isn't going to church. I am very excited to help him understand the restoration of the gospel this week.
It was a great week in the work. I am very grateful for all of the blessings we have received this past week. I know that Heavenly Father listens to our prayers. I know that if we depend on Christ he can help us to be successful.

Week 87 - Chimbote

Monday, May 1, 2017

Every single week in the work is different and unique that´s for sure. It was a great week, but it was  kind of tough not getting to visit Hermano Efren and Hermana Fany. Nevertheless,  we were able to stay pretty busy all week.
Hermano Efren was in Trujillo this past week and had a little operation done, so we haven ´t been able to visit him much. Hopefully he will get better soon.
Hermana Fany is still working a ton and we haven´t gotten to visit her very much either. I guess we are learning to be more patient.
Last Monday, we had an awesome family home evening in a member ´s house. We watched a little video from  ¨principles about peace¨ about repentance. It was a very  powerful video. Repentance is such an important principle, and when one learns it and puts it into practice he or she gets to feel the power of the atonement in their life. It is such an important part of the plan of salvation. We can change. I am grateful for this principle in my life.
This past week we also gained another companion. His name is Elder Apaza. He is from Puno, Perú. He is a great missionary.
As we didn't  get to visit our two investigators that are really progressing in this past week we focused a little bit more on finding new investigators. We didn´t have a ton of success all week, but when we woke  up on Sunday we knew we were going to have a great day. We were very blessed to get to know a couple of new people. One interesting thing I heard this week came from two different parents from two different families. They knew that we had talked to their sons and later they told us that they really wanted for us to help their sons and keep visiting them. I know that the principles and ordinances of the gospel really do help people to live better lives and even more than that, I know that they lead us back to our Heavenly Father.
Today has been a great Pday. We went and ate some pizza and milkshakes with the other missionaries in our district today. It was a great time. I almost forgot what pizza tastes like. It was pretty delicious.
I am grateful for this opportunity to be a missionary and for all of the things I am learning. I know this is the Lords work and that the gospel really can help  each and every person that accepts it and lives it.

Week 86 - Chimbote

Monday, April 24, 2017

This past week was another great week here in Chimbote. It is so awesome to see how the Lord´s work presses forward. It´s has also been very nice to see that the heat of the summer here is starting to calm down a little bit. I do enjoy a little bit cooler weather that´s for sure.
Last Monday we had a great p-day. We got to relax a little bit and we also got to go play basketball with Hermano Diego and his cousin. (in the picture There´s Hermano Diego, his cousin, Elder Parra and myself)  It was a really fun p-day.
This past week we had an awesome activity in a member´s house. We watched a few of the new videos that the church released to remember Christ during the Easter season and we got to play a few little games as well. I love the videos about the principles and the experiences that the people share in them. It´s great to see how the gospel really changes peoples lives for the better and how it helps their families. It was awesome because a few of our investigators were able to come as well as a few of our recent converts. I am grateful for the members and for their efforts in the work here. It was a successful activity.
This week we have gotten to teach Hermano Efren a little bit and he came to church again. It amazes me how he reacts every time that we teach him. He is always so grateful and is so willing to live the gospel. I know we are not working alone in this work and that Hermano Efren has been prepared. We invited him to be baptized this week and he accepted the invitation, so hopefully in a few weeks he will be ready.
Hermana Fany is still doing well. Her job is related to the fishing industry, however, so as the fishing season is starting she has less time to meet with us. She still has a very sincere desire to learn and I'm sure she will keep progressing. She had to work all night on Saturday, but nevertheless still came to church early Sunday morning. We are very privileged to get to help great people in our area.
We had a multi zone training here this past week as well. President Ríos is very inspired! He talked about the Plan of Salvation and related it to the importance of finding new investigators. He really helped me to change my perspective and to see the people around me differently. He helped us to comprehend that the Lord is preparing the people in each and every one of our areas. We have work diligently to find them.
I´m grateful for the time that I have to be a missionary. I know that the Savior lives and that he payed the price for each and every one of our sins. I know that he was resurrected and lives.

Last monday we met up with Hermano Diego and his cousin to play basketball by the church. I played hermano Diego one on one. It was a pretty good time. I finally started making a few shots towards the end.

Week 85 - Chimbote

Monday, April 17, 2017

This past week started off a little slow, but the week ended on a great note yesterday. It´s also starting to cool off a little bit here, so that has been awesome. The future here in our area looks bright.
The highlight of my week has been working with Hermana Eva and her dad, Hermano Efren. We got to visit them both this past week. We got to talk to Hermana Eva a little bit about the importance of the sacrament and the blessings we can receive from it. It´s kind of hard for the people to get to church on time because our meeting starts at eight in the morning, but little by little they are starting to get their earlier in order to take the sacrament. We got to talk to her dad a little bit about the restoration. After we explained it to him he told us that he was going to go to church this Sunday. We were pretty excited to hear that. The most exciting part of the week, however, was when we saw Hermano Efren, Hermana Eva and her kids at church early on Sunday morning. I really enjoy teaching Hermano Efren because he is very sincere and wants to help his daughter and do what is right. His grand kids are going to church as well, and I'm sure that seeing their grandpa there with them is pretty exciting.
We got to teach Hermana Fany again this past week and she is progressing very well. She also has a very sincere desire to learn and live the gospel. We got to teach her the word of wisdom this past week with her friend, and it was pretty funny because she had a few questions and her friend was very direct in telling her why she needed to keep this commandment. He explained how important it is to follow the prophets. It has been great to see how much she has learned in the past few weeks. She said that she feels like she is building her faith, so we were pretty happy to hear that.
After this past conference about the gift of charity. It´s definitely not easy to develop, but I know that as we strive to do it we will be happier and we will better be able to help those around us. I am grateful for the Savior and for this time of year when almost everyone remembers him. I know that he atoned for each and every one of us and that as we apply his teachings to our lives we can receive the blessings of it.

Here is a picture from a couple of weeks ago. I was with Elder Paredes and Elder Arratea in an exchange that we had.

Week 84 - Chimbote

Monday, April 10, 2017
It´s a great time to be here in my area. We have a great family that we are working with, and the members are helping us quite a bit as well. It was a great week.
Last Monday we were able to visit Hermano Cristofer and his wife, Hermana Rosa. It was great to get to visit with them a little bit. They are both members of the church. Hermana Rosa got baptised just a few months ago. We had invited them to read Alma 7 a few days before the visit and we got to talk to them about it a little bit with them. It was so great to see all that they had learned and applied in their lives as they had read it. It is always so awesome to see all that people can learn and gain as they put their faith into action.
This week one of my very favorite lessons was a lesson with one of our converts, Hermana Eva and her family. We are working with her husband and her kids right now. Her husband, hermano Percy, is very nice, but he hadn´t been progressing very much yet. We had a member with us this night and he was able to share an experience from his life and he was really able to catch the attention of hermano Percy. Then we were able to read a few scriptures from the Book of Mormon with him and it was a great experience. It was awesome to see that he had opened up a little bit more, and I know that he was able to feel the spirit in the lesson. When we left their house that night we were pretty happy.
Hermana Fany our other investigator is really progressing quite well and we were able to listen to Elder Costa´s talk from the conference with her this week. That talk is so powerful. I think it helped her quite a bit too. She is diligently searching and learning more about the gospel. We are very blessed to be teaching great people.
One of my favorite experiences this last week was with Hermana Eva´s dad. He also lives in our area and we got to talk to him again this past week. He is always so greatful for our visits and always just asks for us to be patient with him as he strives to learn the gospel. He has seen how it has helped his daughter and is very willing to learn it and live it himself. I know that this is the work of the Lord and as instruments we need to always love and be patient with those people around us.
I hope you all have a great week!
This picure was taken in a training in Trujillo in the beginning of March. 

I saw an Elder from my group. Elder Rice