Matthew 28:19 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Week 83 - Chimbote

This past week was awesome. Its so great to be a part of this great work in this great time. We were busy all week, and watching conference was a great way to end the week.
This past Tuesday we got to do a companionship exchange with one of the district leaders. Companionship exchanges are always such great opportunities to learn and to teach as well. I
got to go with Elder Mott to his area and we had a great day. We were busy painting a room in a member´s house in the morning, then we stayed busy in the afternoon visiting and teaching his investigators. We got to talk a lot about the principles of faith and repentance with his investigators and it was so awesome to see how they were filled with hope as we talked. One of my favorite experiences from the exchange was our last lesson that we had. We went to visit a family that is progressing a little bit. The dad has not been very interested, but his wife and kids have been very interested. When we got to their house we realized that they had just gotten home and had forgotten that we were going to visit them that night. They were tired and they said their house was a mess so they wanted to to come back another day. We tried convincing them to letting us talk to them just for a moment, but they insisted that another day would be better. We left their house and started walking when all of the sudden we heard a little voice and saw that their little daughter had come running after us to tell us to come back. Her parents had sent her. We went back to the house and we got to read the scriptures with them and pray with their family. I now know and have seen that the Spirit can work in people to help them have a desire to listen to the gospel.
This week we have also had the opportunity to help Hermana Fanny progress a little bit more. She is very willing to learn and live the gospel. We got to talk to her about the plan of salvation this past week and she had studied quite a bit before, so it made the lesson a lot easier for us. She had a few questions about the fall, but thanks to the Book of Mormon we were able to answer them. The scriptures are so awesome, and are such a great tool in this work. The Plan of Happiness is so perfect and its so cool to see how the people start to fill a hole in their lives as they learn about it. She also went to conference yesterday, so we are very excited for her progress.
I really enjoyed the conference we have been privileged to see these past two days. I have found answers to a few questions that I had and I have been strengthened. I really enjoyed learning from the Lord´s chosen servants. I think its impossible to listen to them and deny that they are chosen servants of God. I know that the church is true. I'm pretty excited for the temple in Poccatello. That's not too far from home! I know that the Lord´s church has been restored. I am so grateful for all the Lord has given me and for the strength that he has provided me with here on the mission.

Week 82 - Chimbote

March 27, 2017

These last two weeks have been great. We have been able to meet quite a few new people which has been awesome. We also have one more companion. His name is Elder Paredes. He is going to be with us until the end of this transfer. He is a great missionary. He is from Ica PerĂº.
The last week was a little bit interesting with the little rain storm we had, but the Lord´s work cannot be frustrated. We got to help one of our investigators get baptized this last week. Her name is hermana Haydee. It was cool to see her grow and the greatest part was getting to hear her testimony after her baptism. She testified of how the Gospel has helped her to learn how to forgive and move forward in her life. I am so grateful for the atonement and for the many blessings each and every one of us can receive as we apply it in our own lives.
This last week we have also gotten to help one of our new investigators, Hermana Fanny. Her friend was baptised in another ward a few months ago and had decided to invite her to church. We met her in the church a few weeks ago and she has come to church for three Sundays now. We have been working on helping her to understand The Book of Mormon. She is progressing very well. I know that she has been prepared by the Lord and I am grateful that we have been able to meet her.
One of our new investigators is Hermana Eva´s dad. He is a great guy. He welds for a living right now and we have talked to him a few times while he has been working, but we never had the chance to teach him until this past week. He told us that he had been invited to a few different churches and had gone to a few of them. He was looking for the truth, but didn't really feel that he had found it quite yet. We have gotten to talk to him a couple of times now and we have talked mainly about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and about having faith. He told us in our last visit that he really liked talking with us and liked the message that he read in the pamphlet that we left with him. He told us that he feels good. I would be lying if I said we weren't a little bit shocked by what he said to us. Im sure glad that I have gotten to know such great people here in the mission.
I'm excited for one more week here in the mission. I know that this is the work of the Lord. I know that he guides and watches over his missionaries. I am grateful for the blessings the gospel has brought into my life.

Week 81 - Chimbote

March 20, 2017

We did not receive an e-mail from Elder Miller this week.  Because of the flooding in Peru there was NO internet service.  Instead we each (Dave & I) received a 5 minute call.  Needless to say, it was wonderful to hear Elder Miller's voice.  He is doing GREAT and has NOT been affected by the flooding.   He is very safe and doing great in Chimbote.

Week 80 - Chimbote

March 13, 2017

This week was a great week here in Chimbote. We were super busy all week which was great. We also have gotten to find a help a ton of people who are very willing to learn and change.
Our Investigator Hermana Eva got baptized this week. A lot of things happened this week, but she stayed firm and made the decision to get baptized this last Saturday. We were able to visit her every day this last week, and it was so awesome to see how willing she was to do the Lord´s will and keep his commandments. She has developed a super strong testimony of the atonement, and it has been awesome to see. After her baptism two of her kids told her that they want to get baptised now. Her example is going to make a big difference for her family.
This past week we also got to work with her husband a little bit as well. He wants to make changes in his life to be able to help his family and we are grateful for the chance we have to help him. I know that through the principles and ordinances of the gospel he can reach his goal.
We also got to know a new investigator this week, Hermano Justo. He has had a rough past, but he is very humble and willing to learn and make changes in his life as well. We taught him about the restoration and he told us ¨I will pray to know if its true, but I feel that it is true right now.¨ He came to church yesterday and had a great time. It was awesome to see.
My companion and I are teaching a young lady named Haydee. She had learned a lot before I got to this area and we are working on helping her. She is a member´s friend. We got to teach her a little bit about the commandments this week and as we were teaching her and studying these commandments we were able to understand that our obedience to these commandments is what helps us to be good examples and a light to those around us.
I am grateful for the restored gospel and for the chance to share it with those around me. I know that thanks to the atonement we can change and become strengthened.

 Here is a picture of Hermana Eva´s baptism.

Picture in Chimbote